Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Keeping up

How people keep up with their blogs is a mystery to me. What other things have they given up to find time to post? Meals? Sleep? The former I could stand to give up; I refust to give up the latter! Anyway, here I am two weeks after a fabulous open house in Barnegat writing to say what a success it was and that I look forward to doing it again. The library continues to reach out to homeschoolers to see how we can best meet their needs. As a result of the last open house, there is going to be a database training class for homeschoolers and their parents (and anyone else in the public who may be interested) in the Barnegat Branch on June 11. While the lack of a computer lab prevents this from being a hands-on program, it promises to provide lots of vital information to those who attend. The library's databases are a wealth of information that may be accessed 24/7 and continues to be both one of our greatest resources and best-kept secrets! (not by our intent - we are trying to get the word out)

Hmmm...I am trying to decide where to have the next open house...


Unknown said...

What homeschooling art show is this for?

Noelle Mador:)

nancy said...

This was from the JMJ Catholic Home Educator's annual Celebration of the Arts held in Rumson last year. This event showcases the students' musical, dance, vocal, theatrical and artistic talents. We open it up to any student who is taking lessons in any of these areas.